The MMU concept was taken into production by Rolls Royce
As a large company with an intricate & always moving infrastructure, Rolls Royce was looking for a more seamless and efficient method of providing ongoing engine servicing empowered by digital technologies. Out to tender internally, our immediate client contact was asked to submit a proposal for the MMU project. However, concisely conveying the processing structure of something like the MMU is no small feat!
Clarify the proposed MMU structure with an informational explainer film that provided the how & why in 3 minutes
Working with our key client, we worked through the script, simplifying and distilling wherever possible to condense the MMU concept into a simple, informational film.
Alongside this, we developed a diagrammatic look and feel, designing the entirety of the ecosystem as an endless, elegant & ongoing process. This would provide the canvas for us to move between the different components, highlighting each step in turn.
From here I worked hands-on to animate & provide the cameras for the final video, as well as supplying the voiceover (all in a day's work!)